Local NewsHot Next Few Day

Hot Next Few Day


7Weather- We’ll go from the low 80s Sunday to the highs near 90º the next few days.

Temperatures start in the mid and upper 50s early Monday morning (around 5-6AM), and then we jump into the upper 60s. It’s warm by lunch time in the mid 80s, and then we hit highs into the upper 80s and low 90s throughout the afternoon. The Cape is cooler in the mid and upper 70s.

Skies are mainly sunny and humidity remains low. It will be a dry heat tomorrow.

Tuesday is a few degrees warmer with highs in the low 90s throughout most of the area. Once again the Cape is cooler. There will be a mix of sun and clouds with a couple of towns/cities getting a thunderstorm closer to sunset and throughout the first part of the evening.

Humidity increase on Tuesday. It will feel a bit muggy, but we won’t be dealing with overwhelming humidity.

Some areas could see their first heat wave of the summer with three consecutive days in the 90s. Boston and areas along the coast likely will not hit the 90s three days in a row with a sea breeze kicking in on Wednesday.

Norwood and Lawrence have hit into the 90s 4 times, but it wasn’t consecutively.

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